Become a Member

Membership Introduction

Cancer Center at Illinois (CCIL) membership is open to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty who demonstrate a clear focus on cancer research. Additionally, select individuals at CCIL partner institutions may be eligible for some membership categories based on their credentials and contributions to CCIL research projects and initiatives. Active members are reviewed annually by CCIL leadership for ongoing adherence to membership requirements and alignment with the center’s strategic directions.

Membership Criteria

Cancer Center membership categories and eligibility criteria are as follows:

Full Members
Full members are faculty who have:

  • A University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty appointment.
  • Current activity in cancer-focused research as evidenced by serving as principal investigator (PI) on peer-reviewed (as defined by National Cancer Institute (NCI) guidelines) cancer-relevant research grants.
  • Contributed to peer-reviewed cancer-focused literature within the past three years.

Additional consideration is given to faculty members who:

  • Are leading cancer research activities or training programs.
  • Are involved in CCIL education, research, training, and DEI activities (working groups, seminar series, subcommittees, community outreach, etc.).
  • Play a leadership role in the Cancer Center.
  • Are active in the national cancer community.

Associate Members
Associate members are faculty who:

  • Have a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty appointment.
  • Are involved in cancer-focused research and contribute to the success of the Cancer Center but do not yet fulfill the criteria for Full Member.
  • Are newly recruited full-time research faculty but have not obtained cancer-related funding and are in their start-up period.
  • Are established faculty demonstrating cancer-relevant research interest through publication or grant submissions but have not yet obtained cancer-relevant peer-reviewed funding.

Member Benefits

  • Opportunities to engage with other CCIL members in collaborative cancer-related projects.
  • Mentoring opportunities.
  • Eligibility to apply for CCIL pilot project funding.
  • Priority access, subsidized rates, and consultation with CCIL staff for utilization of CCIL Shared Resources.
  • Funding support for students participating in CCIL education and training programs.
  • Administrative support for:
    • Organizing and conducting cancer-focused symposia, workshops, seminars, working groups, or events.
    • Proposal development support.
    • Student recruitment at all academic levels.
    • Networking with other cancer researchers or clinicians.
  • Publicity and promotion of research accomplishments.
  • Invitations to attend and participate in Cancer Center scientific conferences, retreats, seminars, and symposia.

Member Responsibilities & Expectations

  • Conduct activities in keeping with the CCIL’s mission, values, and strategic directions.
  • Participate in CCIL education and research program meetings, seminar series, annual retreats, working groups, etc.
  • Serve as a mentor to students in CCIL education and training programs.
  • Highlight cancer focus and relevance in grant applications and publications when appropriate (e.g., include the words cancer, tumor, or oncology, etc. in titles/abstracts).
  • List your CCIL member affiliation when submitting manuscripts, giving talks, and accepting awards and prizes.
  • Utilize CCIL Shared Resources.
  • Acknowledge the use of CCIL Shared Resources and support services in research publications, grant submissions, and presentations/media coverage.
  • Acknowledge CCIL financial or service support as appropriate in research publications and presentations/media coverage.
  • Inform CCIL administrative staff of published papers, funded awards, and honors received to facilitate inclusion in CCIL communications and publicity efforts.
  • Provide CCIL staff with updates to your academic status or biosketch.

Application Process

Complete and submit the online CCIL Membership Application.

Application Review

CCIL administrative staff validates application information and applicant credentials and verifies grant funding and publication information. The Steering Committee Membership Subcommittee reviews the application and makes recommendations to the Deputy Director based on adherence to membership guidelines and criteria. The Cancer Center Director has the final authority on approval and disapproval of membership. 

Annual Review

Active members are reviewed annually by the CCIL Membership Subcommittee for ongoing adherence to membership guidelines and requirements and alignment with strategic directions. Members must meet the criteria above to maintain their membership level. The Membership Subcommittee sends its recommendations to the Deputy Director for review. The Cancer Center Director has the final authority on membership approval, disapproval, or termination.


For questions about membership, please email