Animal Sciences Department Head Rod Johnson, Keith W. and Sara M. Kelley Endowed Professor of Immunophysiology H. Rex Gaskins, Dean of the College of ACES Kim Kidwell, and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs William Bernhard.

H. Rex Gaskins, CCIL’s Associate Director for Education and professor of animal sciences and nutritional sciences in the College of ACES, was named the Keith W. and Sara M. Kelley Endowed Professor of Immunology. Gaskins researches cancer metabolism, focusing on the increased biological risks of colorectal cancer associated with diets high in saturated fat. Rodney Johnson, Head of the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois, said, “[Rex’s] research contributions in the field of immunophysiology have implications for humans and animals alike, making him worthy of this prestigious professorship.”


– Written by the CCIL Communications Team 

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