Brian Freeman

Brian Freeman

Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology

Areas of Research

DNA, Genes/Genomics

Brian Freeman’s research explores genomics, protein dynamics, protein-nucleic acid interactions, proteomics, and regulation of gene expression. More specifically, his lab investigates the impact of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone system on genomic pathways supporting homeostasis. Freeman’s independent research team developed a global p23-interaction network revealing a large chaperone interactome in the nucleus. They are utilizing this information to understand the events controlling the dynamics of protein-DNA complexes within transcription-, telomere-, chromatin-, and chromosome-motion pathways.

Freeman received his Ph.D. in biochemistry and biophysics from Northwestern University. He has received numerous awards for his work, including an American Heart Association Fellowship, a Lymphoma Society Fellowship, and a Leukemia Research Foundation Fellowship.