2017 TiMe Students and Mentors
Our inaugural Tissue Microenvironment (TiMe) Training Program Symposium hosted on Monday, May 15, 2107 was a great success! Each of the TiMe students presented a summary of their research projects, followed by presentations from members of the External Advisory Board, Dr. David Beebe (University of Wisconsin Madison), Dr. Peter So (MIT), and Dr. Bruce Wheeler (UCSD), and faculty preceptor Kris Kilian (UIUC).
We would like to thank all those who participated in the TiMe Poster Competition and congratulate the winners: Grand Prize – Sixian You; Runners-up: Shachi Mittal and Joanne Li.
We also thank our primary sponsors: NIH T32 Award T32EB019944, Cancer Community at Illinois, and the Beckman Institute for making the event a success. Additional thanks goes to the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Initiative (IHSI), College of Engineering, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
– Written by the CCIL Communications Team