Feb 22, 2022 | Student Spotlight, TiMe Program
Image of Opeyemi Arogundade. Urbana, Ill. – Opeyemi Arogundade, Tissue Microenvironment (TiME) program trainee and student in Cancer Center at Illinois (CCIL) scientist, Andrew Smith’s, lab, is applying his academic background in physics to cancer research and...
Aug 27, 2020 | Cancer Center News
A team of Illinois researchers including CCIL members Andrew Smith and Pablo Perez-Pinera have created the smallest quantum dots to date. The lab found that the smaller fluorescent nanoparticles produce better single-molecule imaging results. ACS Nano published their...
Jul 7, 2020 | Cancer Center News
Cathy Murphy, Cancer Center at Illinois member, professor, and Larry R. Faulkner Endowed Chair in Chemistry, is making history as the first female Head of Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Murphy has been an Illini since the 1980’s, during...
May 1, 2020 | Cancer Center News
Editor’s note: Health authorities believe COVID-19 spreads by the transmission of respiratory droplets, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends homemade cloth face coverings for use in public spaces. Starting today, Illinois joins many other...
Jan 1, 2020 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Craig Richard, Bioengineering Tissue Microenvironment (TiMe) Program Why did you join the Tissue Microenvironment (TiMe) training program? When I was an undergrad, I interned with Dr. Rohit Bhargava’s lab in 2014 through the Nano@Illinois Program. I decided to join...
May 21, 2018 | Cancer Center News
Illinois professor Andrew Smith, right, and graduate student Mohammad Zahid. With targeted drug and gene therapies, finding the target cells is only half the battle. Once these agents reach a cell’s surface, they still have to get inside and do their job. University...
Feb 9, 2018 | Cancer Center News
Cancer has repeatedly proven itself to be a tough opponent in the medical field and continues to stump researchers around the world. At the University, students and faculty have been working together to combat cancer reoccurrence with a drug-delivering nanoparticle...