Ying Diao

Ying Diao

Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering


Ying Diao’s research pursues the fundamental understanding and control of multiscale molecular assembly processes to achieve manufacturing of electronical materials, energy devices, and therapeutic processes. Her goal is to use solution printing to make advanced materials such as electronic papers, solar cells, and medicines. She is working to decipher how molecules self-assemble into functional materials to develop device methods to control the molecular assembly process. Additionally, in her research, she repurposed a failed cancer drug into a new type of organic semiconductor for use in transistors and chemical sensors. Visit her research group’s website for more information.


  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011

Campus Affiliations

Select Honors and Recognitions

  • NSF CAREER Award, 2019
  • Sloan Research Fellowship, 2018
  • 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 2018
  • NASA Early Career Faculty Award, 2020
  • MIT Technology Review names Diao to ‘Innovators Under 35’ list, 2016