Paul J. Hergenrother, Ph.D., is a Professor of Chemistry and an Affiliate in Biochemistry, and the Kenneth L. Rinehart Jr. Endowed Chair in Natural Products Chemistry. The Hergenrother laboratory seeks to use small molecules to identify and validate novel targets for treating intractable cancers. Cancer patients are taking an anticancer compound discovered by the Hergenrother lab at the University of Illinois Cancer Center and Johns Hopkins as part of a Phase 1 clinical trial. At the University of Illinois, Professor Hergenrother is the Leader of the IGB Theme “Anticancer Discovery from Pets to People” and is the Director of the NIH Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Grant. Hergenrother is also the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Vanquish Oncology.
Paul Hergenrother
Deputy Director
Professor, Chemistry
Areas of Research
Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer, Head and Neck Cancer, Lung Cancer