John Katzenellenbogen directs a research program that intersects chemistry, biology, and medical applications with a particular focus on the action of estrogens in breast cancer and androgens in prostate cancer. He explores critical problems in hormone-regulated breast and prostate cancer using basic science approaches, developing novel in vivo functional imaging methods, and developing novel cancer therapeutics. He is recognized internationally as a pioneer in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for the management of hormone-regulated cancers, including the PET imaging agents FES for estrogen receptors in breast cancers and FDHT for the androgen receptor in prostate cancers used in the clinical development of novel anti-hormones.
- Ph.D., Harvard University
Campus Affiliations
Select Honors and Recognitions
- AAAS Fellow, 1989
- Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, 1999
- SRS President’s Award, 2017
- Centenary Prize, 2009
- Fred Conrad Koch Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016