Research Michael Oelze’s research utilizes ultrasound technology for improving cancer diagnosis and monitoring of cancer therapy to detect early response and predict patient outcomes. The Oelze lab has been focusing on quantitative ultrasound techniques to...
Research Shuming Nie’s research is primarily in the areas of cancer nanomedicine, biomedical engineering, and image-guided cancer surgery. Major academic achievements include the discovery of plasmonic nanoparticles that are able to amplify the efficiencies of...
Research Tandy Warnow’s research combines mathematics, computer science, probability, and statistics, in order to develop algorithms with improved accuracy for large-scale and complex estimation problems in computing evolutionary trees (also known as...
Research Emad Tajkhorshid’s lab group has established an extensive research program in developing and applying molecular modeling and simulation technologies to the investigation of structure- and dynamics-function relationships in membrane proteins and...
Research Michael Spinella’s laboratory is focused on the molecular genetics of cancer, especially in the areas of mechanisms of tumorigenesis, cancer therapy, and drug resistance. One research focus is on uncovering mechanisms that account for the curability of...
Research Jun Song is interested in applying his training in mathematics and physics to problems in biomedical research – he has been applying his computational skills to genomics and epigenomics for over a decade. Song’s research focuses on understanding...
Research Satish Nair’s lab focuses on understanding the basis for the regulation of bacteria by small-molecule natural products. His laboratory uses classical biochemical and microbiological techniques, in combination with biophysical methods (in particular...
Research Professor Murphy received two BS degrees, one in chemistry and one in biochemistry, from the University of Illinois in 1986. From 1990-1993, she was first an NSF and then an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology. From 1993-2009...
Research Olgica Milenkovic, PhD, is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), and a Research Professor at the Coordinated Science Laboratory. Prof. Milenkovic heads a group working on interdisciplinary...
Research Ling Meng has focused a number of his research efforts on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. These include the development of various imaging techniques for tracking T-cells (a collaboration with Professor Ed Roy at UIUC), creating therapeutically...
Research Zhi-Pei Liang’s research is in the general area of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, ranging from spin physics, signal processing, machine learning, to biomedical applications. His research group is focused on developing methods for optimal...
Research Deborah Leckband’s research group uses surface modification, micro-patterning, and materials synthesis to precisely manipulate cell microenvironments. These powerful tools control concentration profiles of soluble factors and adhesive cues. Her team...