Bruce Fouke

Bruce Fouke

Research The Fouke laboratory research group focuses on the cross-disciplinary intersection of geology and molecular biology (Geobiology, Astrobiology), and medicine (GeoBioMed) with emphasis on the emergence and survival of Life within the context of dynamic Earth...
Angela Di Fulvio

Angela Di Fulvio

Research Di Fulvio’s research interests include neutron detection, spectroscopy, dosimetry, and imaging; radiation protection of the patient in radiation therapy; instrumentation for homeland security, nuclear nonproliferation, and verification; and, radiation...
Ashok Samuel

Ashok Samuel

Research Samuel’s primary research focus is biomedical imaging, including the areas of biophontics, cancer, live-cell imaging, molecular imaging, and tumor microenvironments. Samuel is also a member of the Beckman Institute for Science & Technology....
Huimin Zhao

Huimin Zhao

Research Huimin Zhao’s research develops and applies synthetic biology, machine learning, and laboratory automation tools to engineer functionally improved or novel proteins, pathways, and genomes for biotechnological and biomedical applications. Zhao...
David Forsyth

David Forsyth

Research David Forsyth’s research focuses on computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning. Education Ph.D., University of Oxford, 1989 Campus Affiliations Fulton Watson Copp Chair, Siebel School of Computing and Data Science...
Xing Wang

Xing Wang

Research Xing Wang’s research group utilizes nucleic acids and protein engineering to evolve new molecular binders, and create and customize designer DNA nanostructure-based “plug-and-play” platforms for bioengineering and bio-nanotechnology applications...
William King

William King

Research King’s research focuses on manufacturing and advanced materials, microsystems and nanotechnology, and heat transfer. Technologies developed in his laboratory are widely used in the automotive, medical, aerospace, pharmaceutical, and semiconductor industries...
Claudius Conrad

Claudius Conrad

Research Claudius Conrad is a world-renowned surgeon, researcher and sought-after expert in minimally invasive procedures to treat liver, pancreatic and biliary tract cancers. With training at Harvard Medical School and other global centers of expertise, he...
Yang Liu

Yang Liu

Research A professor in the Department of Bioengineering, Yang Liu investigates the future of precision medicine through cutting-edge multiscale optical microscopy, automation and robotics, artificial intelligence, and large-scale bioimage informatics. Her imaging...
Rachel Adler

Rachel Adler

Research Rachel Adler’s research interests are in human-computer interaction, accessibility, and computer science education. She is particularly interested in designing applications for and with people with disabilities. Some of her recent projects include...
Michael Robben

Michael Robben

Research Michael Robben’s research explores the latest in single-cell and spatial-sequencing technologies to investigate immune cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment and autoimmune disease. His lab uses a combined molecular and computational approach...
Hillary Klonoff-Cohen

Hillary Klonoff-Cohen

Research Professor Klonoff-Cohen integrates biological, behavioral, cultural, and socio-political aspects of disease and disease prevention. She is particularly interested in women and infants’ health and cancer epidemiology. With research funding for the past two...