Innovation Insider
Spring 2024
The work we do each day at the Cancer Center at Illinois (CCIL) gathers around a common aim: to solve cancer problems for the benefit of individuals and communities affected by cancer.
The CCIL’s unique vision and mission guides our efforts and the pace of innovation is quickening. Ideas are moving to discoveries, discoveries are leading to the development of novel technologies, technologies and interventions are being translated to better diagnostics and therapies with our clinical partners, where physicians implement CCIL solutions—that’s the pipeline of cancer research you’ll read about in this latest edition of Innovation Insider.

Director’s Message
Honors & Awards
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Honors & Awards
Paul Hergenrother Receives 2023 National Cancer Institute (NCI) Outstanding Investigator Award
The CCIL’s Deputy Director is the first Illinois researcher to receive this celebrated award.
Zeynep Madak Erdogan Receives American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Award
Erdogan and her team received the prestigious 2024 Michael B. Kastan Ward for Research Excellence.
CCIL Powers Up Pioneering Glioblastoma Research Team
The research team is investigating how neurons communicate with tumors to improve treatments for patients with brain cancer.
NSF Accelerates Cancer Imaging through Interdisciplinary Convergence Program
The team’s bioinspired imaging tech aims to solve one of oncology’s great challenges in the OR.
Clinical Trial Aims to Help Canines with Osteosarcoma
Veterinary comparative oncologists are making progress on a new cancer immunotherapy.
Clinical Trial Shows Promise for Canines with Aggressive Malignant Melanoma
Tim Fan reports findings on a clinical trial of 14 pet dogs with promising results.
CCIL Researchers Identify Potential Target to Treat Brain Tumors
Brendan Harley and Rex Gaskins collaborate on study pointing to possible new target for glioblastoma therapeutic strategies.
Collaborative Team Starts New Joint Center for mRNA Delivery and Cancer Immunotherapy
CCIL members, bioengineering faculty, and Zhejiang University will focus on mRNA vaccine development.
Unprecedented Compound Takes a Step Toward Breast Cancer Clinical Trials
David Shapiro and Paul Hergenrother led the development of the compound for ER+ breast cancer treatment.
Hacking Cell Communication: Researchers Develop Promising Cancer Vaccine
Hua Wang’s interdisciplinary team sets their sights on personalized medicine with novel extracellular vesicle-based immunotherapy.
CCIL Trains Future Cancer Researchers in ResearHStart Program
Six central Illinois high school students gained hands-on experience in CCIL labs.
CCIL Undergraduate Works Toward Improving Healthcare Disparities
Cancer Scholar Cindy Mu’s history informs her healthcare career plans.
Postdoc Researcher Enjoys Small Part in Big Changes for Cancer Research
Kia alahkheirkha aims to transform field of pathology with AI-powered tools.
Where Are They Now?
Ege Gungor Onal
Former CCIL Cancer Scholar is now a M.D./Ph.D. student at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
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