Jun 3, 2020 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Bridging the engineering-biology continuum is a puzzle that drives and fascinates cancer researchers like Joy Chen, a junior undergraduate bioengineering student at the University of Illinois, former researcHStart student, and current Cancer Scholar. A Cancer Center...
May 27, 2020 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Sylvia CrowderPhD, Food Science and Human NutritionCancer Scholars for Translational and Applied Research (C★STAR ) 2017 Cohort How did you find yourself in cancer research?After I received my Bachelor’s in Dietetics from the University of Southern Indiana and...
Jan 1, 2020 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Craig Richard, Bioengineering Tissue Microenvironment (TiMe) Program Why did you join the Tissue Microenvironment (TiMe) training program? When I was an undergrad, I interned with Dr. Rohit Bhargava’s lab in 2014 through the Nano@Illinois Program. I decided to join...
Nov 2, 2019 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Sisi He, PhD Candidate, Molecular and Integrative Physiology TiMe 2016 CohortC*STAR 2017 Cohort What first led to your interest in cancer research? I studied Chemistry and Biochemistry at UW-Madison for my Bachelor’s degree. Afterward, I came here to pursue doctoral...
Oct 25, 2019 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Monika Kizerwetter Cancer Scholars Program How did you get involved in the Cancer Scholars Program? I was invited to apply to the Cancer Scholars Program before my freshman year. I submitted the application and was accepted. Through the program, we listen to faculty...
Oct 23, 2019 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Tarun NagarajanCancer Scholars Program How did you get involved in the Cancer Scholars Program? I have immediate family members who have been affected by cancer which helped fuel my interest in cancer research. As an incoming freshman, I had the opportunity to be a...
Sep 15, 2019 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Victoria Krummick, Bioengineering Cancer Scholars Program What is your educational background and what led you to the U of I? I am a junior in Bioengineering, and the Cancer Scholars Program (CSP) was actually one of the deciding factors for me on why I came to...
Aug 2, 2019 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Bingtao Tang, PhD Candidate, Molecular and Integrative Physiology C*STAR Program, 2018 Cohort What led to your interest in cancer research? I received my bachelor’s degree in bioengineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University in China. After that, I came to the...
Aug 1, 2019 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Hailey Knox, ChemistryTissue Microenvironment (TiMe) Program What is your research focus? I explore photoacoustic imaging, a technique where light is delivered into tissues, and certain compounds absorb it. When they release it as heat, we can detect that energy...
Feb 19, 2019 | Cancer Center News, Student Spotlight
Catherine ApplegateTissue Microenvironment (TiMe) Program To many Americans, tomatoes may not be much more than a household fruit. But to Catherine Applegate, they can play a vital role for a person’s health. According to many studies, tomatoes, especially processed...