Viktor Gruev

Viktor Gruev

Viktor Gruev’s lab focuses on borrowing critical concepts from nature to develop ultra-sensitive, compact, lightweight, and conformal imaging sensors capable of recording spectral and polarization properties with high spatial resolution and to bring these new sensory...
Rex Gaskins

Rex Gaskins

H. Rex Gaskins’ research focuses on host-intestinal microbe interactions relevant to colorectal cancer with a particular interest in microbial sulfur metabolism. Efforts to understand colonic mucosal responses to hydrogen sulfide led to further interest in redox...
Raven Huang

Raven Huang

Raven Huang is interested in understanding how protein enzymes catalyze novel chemical reactions. His research focuses on drug discovery, enzymology, host-pathogen interactions, protein synthesis, protein-nucleic acid interactions, RNA biology, and toxins. Since Huang...
Brian Freeman

Brian Freeman

Brian Freeman’s research explores genomics, protein dynamics, protein-nucleic acid interactions, proteomics, and regulation of gene expression. More specifically, his lab investigates the impact of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone system on genomic pathways supporting...
Auinash Kalsotra

Auinash Kalsotra

Auinash Kalsotra’s laboratory focuses on answering one fundamental question in biology: How do cells produce the precise assortment of RNAs and proteins in space and time to carry out complex tissue functions? Kalsotra is particularly interested in understanding how...
Aleksei Aksimentiev

Aleksei Aksimentiev

Aleksei Aksimentiev joined the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group at the University of Illinois in 2001 as a postdoctoral research associate. He became a faculty member in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois in 2005. Research...