2017 ResearcHStart Cohort

The Cancer Community at Illinois’ third researcHStart summer program has just begun! Eight high school students from the surrounding Champaign-Urbana area are spending the next eight weeks working on cancer-focused projects. Students will be acquainted with their faculty mentors and projects during the first week, and progress to participating full-time in their respective labs. Over the course of the program, the students will have the opportunity to hear from various faculty members from the University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Carle Foundation Hospital and learn about the impact the speakers have made in the field of cancer research.

ResearcHStart students particpate in workshops and group discussions about research papers to grow their understanding of scientific research in an academic setting, and prepare them for a successful transition to a university. This year, students will also have the privilege of participating in a volunteer day at the University of Illinois at Chicago IMD Guest House, where they will prepare welcome bags, bake cookies, and write words of encouragement for guests. The program’s final symposium is scheduled for Friday, August 11, and will feature a poster session and presentations. The keynote speaker will be Dr. King Li, dean and chief academic officer of Carle Illinois College of Medicine.


– Written by Paloma Pearson